Kotlin | CMP | KMP
"ReadOut" is a cross-platform app for Android and Desktop, built with Kotlin Multiplatform. It seamlessly integrates book discovery, audiobook playback, and AI-powered summaries in both text and audio formats.
Java | Android Studio
WebCapture is an open source Android application that allows users to convert any web page into a PDF file.
PHP | Laravel | My SQL
"Empty Classroom" makes it easier to find available classrooms by automating the process of searching through multiple departments' schedules. A project that I built as part of my DBMS course.
Node JS | ChatGPT API
"Polyglot AI" a AI powered code translator tools for programmers, built with ChatGPT's advanced API. A project that I built as part of my WP course.
Maze Runner is a simple line follower robot that can follow a simple white/black track. Technologies used Arduino UNO, L293D Motor Driver Shield, Digital IR Sensor Array etc.
The Number guessing game is a simple guessing game where a user is supposed to guess a number between 0 and 9 in a maximum of 5 attempts. The game will end after 5 attempts and if the player failed to guess the number, then he loses the game.
An Arduino-powered CNC pen plotter that converts G-code instructions into precise drawings. Features a 3D-printed 3-axis system using 28BYJ-48 stepper motors with ULN2003 drivers for accurate pen movement.
A real-time air quality monitoring system built with ESP32 and MQ135 gas sensors to detect air pollution levels. Features a 16x2 LCD for live data display, a 10K potentiometer for contrast adjustment, and a buzzer for alert notifications.